In today’s broadcast, Joseph Z makes revelations about a certain turn of events that has come upon us, and a turn of the tide that will bring great glory, victory, and increase to us and the body of Christ. He acknowledges the pressure on the culture, but he assures us that we’ll come off everything unscathed if we continue to trust in God. He discloses that there’ll be more exposure pertaining to the economy and the political scene because people are waking up in many areas. In addition, Joseph discloses that God is calling us to an understanding pertaining to the great hope and strength He has for us. Moving on, he then reveals there’ll be a turn of events coming upon us, it’ll be in versions of light and darkness, but then we’ll see a new America. He referenced the word of God taken from Galatians 1:3-4 to establish the turn of events that we will experience soon; also he reveals that there’ll be goodness and mercy for the righteous. Also, he makes more revelations about a turnaround of righteousness that’ll begin to multiply; God is mobilizing those with faith that’ll cut down the wickedness all over the land, and the weapons of the enemy will be used against them. Again, Joseph reveals that we’ll see a great turn in the coming year, and no matter who’s in the office of leadership, he proclaims that Jesus Christ is Lord and He’ll come through for us. Moreso, Joseph discloses that despite the looming danger he sees ahead in regards to the release of the seer's virus over the population which may wreak more havoc than the previous pandemic, there’s another sense of peace he has pertaining to this and the central bank's digital currency. He charges us to resist fear and acknowledge God’s call on our lives in order to break out of containment and then reassures us of an hour of visitation for so many of us. Although there’s the scenario with the black swan, there’s another turn that’ll bring redemption to the picture; a rebellion against the wickedness in the land, and things will play out in a way that is not expected. Furthermore, Joseph continued with the word of God drawn from the book of Psalm 126, to reassure us of God’s gladness upon our lives, he declares an increase over our lives and assures us further that God will see us through in this present time. The devil may come walking over but he’ll limp back; he then urged us to rest assured of God’s victory in our lives, for many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from them all. Again, he reassures us that the Lord hears us and that we’ll break through because God is not leaving us behind; for we’re born and anointed for this time. He declares healing over our body and then reminds us that, “On a bad day, we’re anointed to be the very best there is”. #josephz #zministries #prophecylive #turnaround #turnofevents #turnofthetide #justice #prophecy #news Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below: Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 02:57 Strength Rising out of Darkness 04:37 Turn of Events: Light & Darkness 06:07 Galatians 1:3-4: Deliverance From Evil 08:11 Turn of the Tide: Turnaround of Righteousness 10:00 More Artificial Intelligence 14:03 Central Bank Digital Currency: A Sense of Peace 14:43 Prophetic Flip & Vindication: The Seers Virus 18:23 Resist Fear & Break out of Your Containment 21:28 Psalm 126: Time of Gladness & Increase 27:00 Righteous Roar in the Horizon 27:50 Conclusion May 23, 2023